Paraguay Residency


Get Tax Relief and Legal Security

Registration Ends: September 15th, 2025

Event Date: October 13th - 24th, 2025

Fed up with watching your hard-earned money disappear into the black hole of excessive taxes? It's time to take control. Welcome to Paraguay – the ultimate destination for:

  • Seizing back your profits

  • Getting a solid backup country

  • Diversifying your international life

  • Improving your lifestyle

  • Escaping the collapsing west

  • Achieving true financial freedom

You can either travel to Asuncion individually (go anytime of the year) or go with a Group in October


Flat $6,997!

  • Legal Fees

  • Government Fees

  • Translation Service

  • Transportation to appointments from Legal office

  • Transportation to Legal office

  • Flights + Lodging

  • Events

  • Group Dinner

  • Billie Attendance

You plan your travel and let us know two weeks before your flight to P and our legal team will be ready to start your process.



  • Legal Fees

  • Government Fees

  • Translation Service

  • Transportation to appointments from Legal office

  • Transportation to Legal office

  • Flights + Lodging

  • Events

  • Group Dinner

  • Private coaching with Billie

Have a fun and relaxing adventure, and let us do all the hard work for you. You just fly to Asuncion, Paraguay and we take care of everything else.

Legal Stability for Visionary Leaders

As a forward-thinking entrepreneur, you demand more than just success –

you demand stability. Paraguay delivers with a rock-solid legal

framework and minimal red tape, allowing you to assert your vision

and lead with unwavering confidence.

Our Basic Residency Service will get you the following:


Zoom Meeting with Billie Olds

You'll have a private Zoom session with Billie to get all of your questions answered and give you all the details.


Legal Residency In Paraguay

Get your full legal residency so you can stay in Paraguay for as long as you want without paying any local taxes.


Transportation To All Appointments

You just get yourself to the attorney's office, then once there we'll drive you to all of your necessary appointments.


All Legal Fees

We coordinate with the attorneys and take care of all the legal fees.


Whatsapp Group With Other Participants

We'll add you to a private Whatsapp group with other people getting residency in Paraguay so you can get advice and meet other people.

Our Premium Residency Service will get you all of the following:


Zoom Meeting with Billie Olds

You'll have a private Zoom session with Billie to get all of your questions answered and give you all the details.


Legal Residency In Paraguay

Get your full legal residency so you can stay in Paraguay for as long as you want without paying any local taxes.


Transportation To All Appointments

You just get yourself to the attorney's office, then once there we'll drive you to all of your necessary appointments.


All Legal Fees

We coordinate with the attorneys and take care of all the legal fees.


Real Estate Tour Appointment

If desired, we'll schedule an appointment with you and an English-speaking real estate agent to show you real estate based on your interests.


Document Prep

Submit your documents we get them translated (from English; see FAQ below for other languages) for the Paraguayan government.


$1000 Discount For Cedula

If you also want to get your Cedula (Paraguay's national ID card) you will get a $1000 discount from the attorney for this service (cost of Cedula not included).


Whatsapp Group With Other Participants

We'll add you to a private Whatsapp group with other people getting residency in Paraguay so you can get advice and meet other people.


One-On-One Coaching with Billie

Billie scales companies, including Caleb's. You'll get a one-on-one in-person consult with her to start your business or scale your existing one.


Come to Paraguay Oct 13th - 24th, 2025

That's the date of the event and that's when everyone involved will be there for all of the training and events.


Travel Assistance

We will help you book the best flights to and from Asuncion as well as recommend some of the best and cheapest hotels (flight and hotel costs not included).


10-Day Hotel Stay

We put you in one of the nicest hotels in Asunción for nine nights and we cover the cost. You'll be in the same hotel as everyone else so you can network and hang out with the other participants.


Round-The-Clock On-Site Support

You'll have access to our team during your entire stay, your resource for anything you need and any questions you have.


Cool Excursion

Join the entire group on an awesome excursion outside of the city (or in the city!) to see the sights.


Aesthetic / Health Appointments and Referrals

We'll show you spas, massage therapists, and other healthcare options in Asunción.


Steak Dinner With The Group

Have dinner, on us, with the entire group, at one of the nicest steak restaurants in Paraguay.


Catered Dinner Party

We'll have an entire evening at the hotel including catered dinner, movies, speakers, and a bunch of other cool stuff. All costs are included.


Central Bank Visit

We'll give you a tour of the Central Bank as well as opportunities for financial activity in Paraguay.


Family Friendly Event

All activities and lodging are suitable for children. Schedule a call to get a discount for your friends or family.

Other Full-Service Consulting Company's Lowest Price For This:


Our Basic Service: $6,997

Our Premium Service: $8,997

The deadline to sign up is September 15th, 2025!


When is the event?

The Paraguay Residency will be October 13th to October 24th, 2025. Plan on being in Asunción, Paraguay for at least 10 days.

When is the deadline for me to sign up?

The deadline is September 15th 2025 at 12:00 AM CST. After that, we can not take anyone else since we might not be able to get your documents prepared in time.

Will Paraguay tax me if I get residency there?

No! That's why Paraguay is one of our (few) recommended countries. Paraguay is a territorial-tax country, meaning you never have to pay ANY taxes there from any income derived from outside of Paraguay. Paraguay is awesome for taxes!

Do I have to go to Paraguay to get my residency?

Yes. There is no way to get residency without physically being there for a few days. That's true of all countries.

How long do I need my visit to be?

Your visit needs to be at least 10 days, and we’ll cover your hotel stay!

What time of year is the best time to go Paraguay?

Between December and February Paraguay is pretty hot, so most people agree the best time to go is between March and November, but a lot of people enjoy Paraguay year-round.

I'm from [your country] . Will this work for me?

If you're from any of these countries, it will work for you:

✅ Any EU country
✅ Any South American country
✅ Canada
✅ Australia
✅ New Zealand
✅ China

If you are not from any of those countries above, then email us for more information. You probably still can, but there may be some additional steps and costs involved.

How long does it take to get my residency?

You'll apply for it when you're in Paraguay (we take care of the entire process), then you'll be granted residency in about 90 days. You don't have to go back to Paraguay in any particular timeframe to claim it. If you also ordered your cedula, you can either pick it up on your next visit to Paraguay or we can mail it to you. 

Do I have to do that thing where I need to deposit $5,000 into a bank in Paraguay?

No! This is no longer required thanks to a recent law change! Yay!

Is lodging provided?

Yes, we pay for your hotel and set it all up for you.

What if my documents aren't in English? Can you still translate them?

Email us and let us know your documents' language. If it's a "common"  Western language (like German) we may still be able to translate them. But if we can't, you'll have to get them translated yourself to Spanish by a certified foreign translator. We can help you locate one if you need assistance.

What documents will you require from me?

Your birth certificate, a criminal background check, a marriage certificate if you are legally married, and a divorce certificate if you are legally divorced.

I have an old misdemeanor charge on my criminal background check. Will that prevent me from getting residency?

We can't guarantee anything if you have that on your criminal record. Unofficially speaking, it will probably be fine if you provide us with a second document showing that the charge was completed/satisfied. We know many people with this exact problem who were granted residency in Paraguay without problems.

I don't speak Spanish. Will I be able to do this / get around?

Yes. Everyone involved in this program speaks English, including Billie, Billie's team, the hosts, hotel staff, drivers, and key attorneys. We provide all translation services at all of your required appointments for your residency. In other words, you don't need to speak any Spanish.

Does this program get me permanent or temporary residency?

Temporary to start, then you'll get permanent. This means you'll have to renew it in one year. After one additional year, you can get permanent residency if you wish. Temporary and permanent residency are pretty much the same thing, since you have to "renew" permanent residency just like with temporary residency, just not quite as often.

What happens if my government is too slow and for some reason my documents don't get prepared in time?

It depends on several factors (which country you're from, which specific documents are late, and so on). Worst case, you may have to reschedule your visit to Paraguay and come at a later date. Best case, you will simply come to Paraguay in September anyway and we'll run you through the entire process. Once your documents are processed, we will send them down to the legal team in Paraguay and they will process your residency (and Cedula if you added that service) even after you leave Paraguay, if necessary. We'll work with you either way to ensure you get your residency. You will still get your residency.

Do you 100% guarantee I'll get my residency?

We can't control the Paraguayan government, so no. That being said, Paraguay is one of the easiest residencies in the world to get (which is why we recommend it so much) and the Paraguayan government is extremely lenient. Your odds of getting turned down for your residency request are extremely low. Otherwise we wouldn't offer this service. No one we have ever worked with was rejected.

Will I be able to open a bank account once I get my residency?

Yes you can, and the attorneys provide that service for an added fee and the process is difficult (sometimes impossible) if you don't have your Cedula (national ID card) which is a separate process and an optional add-on to this program.

Is food provided?

No, other than the two dinner events.

Is airfare provided?

You choose a departure city from the list provided*, reserve your spot on the trip, and provide us with a few details. We will book your travel on a live call or Zoom session with you and we will cover the cost!

Does this program include getting my Cedula?

No, but you can get your cedula as part of the service for an extra fee. You'll work directly with the attorneys for that, and they will give you a $1000 USD discount off the costs of getting it. Remember that cedula is not required to get and maintain residency but it is highly recommended because it is required for things like opening a bank account, renting an apartment, opening a corporation, and so on.

I found online / heard from a friend about another attorney(s) who offer this service for much cheaper than you do.

Yes, that's because these "attorneys" (since most of them are not even attorneys) rarely end up providing the residency/Cedula they offer. We have heard many horror stories about people who use these cheap services and we've NEVER heard of anyone having a 100% smooth experience. Most of these clients get nowhere. Legal help in South America is the wild west and you need to be extremely careful. Our attorneys are not the cheapest, but they are the best: we have been using them for our services and for our clients since 2018 and have a 100% success rate with them. We have never had a single problem or complaint about them from anyone. Feel free to use cheaper services if you want... but you do so at your own risk. 

I thought you couldn't get the Cedula if you had temporary residency?

Not anymore. Now, anyone who holds temporary residency can apply for the Cedula.

Are there any discounts available?

Unfortunately, there are many hard costs for us to implement this program for you, so no.

Is this program tax deductible?

If you're going to do any business in Paraguay, then probably. Otherwise, since this is not necessarily a business program, you'll have to check with your accountant to answer that question.

What is the refund policy?

Because of the numerous hard costs involved for us in implementing this program for you there are no refunds (unless we are the ones who cancel the service or event) however there is no risk of you missing out on your residency if you have to cancel your trip. You can simply reschedule your trip for a later date and we'll support you over the phone and coordinate with the attorneys remotely.

Disclaimers / Legal Stuff

1. We stand by the results you’ll get from our team, but we have no control whatsoever over the Paraguayan government. If between now and when you receive your residency, before and during your trip, the Paraguayan government does any of the following:

• Makes a change in their residency laws
• Introduces new charges for residency
• Delays your paperwork or appointments
• Makes errors on your paperwork or billing
• Gives us, our legal team, or you any incorrect or misleading statements about getting residency
• Makes any other disruptive change to the process

Then we can not and will not be held liable for these problems and you will not receive any sort of refund or credit. You will be liable for any additional charges or travel expenses if they are incurred by the government. However, what we WILL do is work with you as best we can to help navigate these changes without charging you any extra on our part. Be aware that odd changes like this can and do happen in Paraguay (and any other South American country) so don't freak out if they occur, be prepared to be flexible, and we'll work to support you the entire way. You'll still get your residency.

2. We stand by our results but we can't control what you do. If you do not provide us with the requested documents or other items by the deadlines we specify, you may not get your residency on your visit and you may have to either extend your stay (at your own cost) or return to Paraguay at a later date (at your cost).

3. All payments are non-refundable (unless we are the ones who cancel or reschedule the event).


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